Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

Rosalie G. Alegarbes     BSEd General Science4     MW 3:00-5:00pm

Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap


Generation gap exist not just in our daily living but also in education. The rapid improvement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the reason why there is a really need to bridge the gap especially in education.
The following are potentials of ICT: a.) The new network of instantaneous communication is global, overcoming borders between countries and continents; b.) Much of what elders believe may not be applicable anymore to the new generation especially along matters of traditional value systems; c.) c. Information age has begun to create many cultural changes in the family, society, business, and governments (Future Shock by Alvin Toffler).

            The advancement of technology leads to generation gap. The school as well the teachers must adopt to these advancement. I can observe that school nowadays are trying their best the students needs by going on what is new today; that is through having computer classrooms and hiring computer skilled teachers. By doing this, students are not just knowledgeable but also more competent, skilled, and responsible individuals.


            Change is the only constant in this world. Teachers would be are very helpful in resolving then generation gap in the education process. Through the knowledge and skills of ICT will bridge the gap between last generation and today’s generation.

            As future teacher, it is very important to learn at least basic skills about technology. Teachers must not just knowledgeable but also he/she must be skilled, competent and has the heart to know his/her students to understand the students to think and apply what are the teaching strategies that can cater the multiple intelligences of the students.


Lesson 3: Understanding Technology Learners

Rosalie G. Alegarbes     BSEd General Science4    MW 3:00-5:00 pm

Lesson 3: Understanding Technology Learners

            Today’s learners appear smarter, yet they can’t read as their parents do and they are addicted to the internet.
     This lesson involves on how to understand the digital learners and what are their benefits in engaging this kind of learners in technology based instructional media. Scientists said that, there are positive benefits derived from the use of information technology or digital resources and these counterbalance possible negative effects of technology on children. In addition, daily exposure to high technology-personal computers, video game gadgets, cellphones, and internet search sites-stimulates the brain by strengthening and creating neural circuits.
Furthermore, this current technological revolution is creating an intellectual revolution, faster and better than ever before. Knowledge is constructed uniquely and individually in multiple ways and it is constructed through a variety of tools, resources, experiences, and contexts. Learning is internally controlled and mediated by the learners and they bring unique prior knowledge, experience, and beliefs to a learning situation.

            Today’s generations of students are very dependent on technology. Most of the activities in school require computer skills. Assignments must be encoded, passing of requirements through an email. Make a presentation through PowerPoint, edit a video, make an account for school purposes, and etc.
            Most students are a visual learner that’s why teachers must use pictures, videos in presenting a lesson to catch the attention of the students.


            The products of technology make our life easier. Doing things are in an instant way. Because we depend too much on technology; teachers understand and know how to use technology application to improve and enhance the teaching and learning.
Understanding technology learners is an advantage in the part of the teachers, because it allows them to explore and to discover new instructional material using technology. Learning would be more enjoyable and interactive.


            Teachers are responsible to their students and have the authority in their classroom. We all know that this technology may destroy everyone; and since the improvement of technology is inevitable, teachers must monitor his/her students.
            As future teacher, I must have the heart to know my students to cater their educational needs. By understanding them, I can able to apply appropriate instructional materials suitable for the discussed topic, cater their multiple intelligences through various teaching strategies.  

Lesson 2: An Overview: Educational Technology 2

Rosalie G. Alegarbes    BSEd General Science4        MW 3:00-5:00pm

Lesson 2: An Overview: Educational Technology 2


             Educational technology 2 is concerned with “Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning.” Specifically this is focused on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills. It is mainly directed to student teachers, also professional teachers who may wish to update their knowledge of educational technology. The goal is that, this course can help the target learners to weave technology in teaching with software (computer programmed learning materials) becoming a natural extension of their learning tools.

            Necessarily, Educational Technology 2 will involve a deeper understanding of the computer as well as hands-on application of computer skill. The course is primarily directed at enhancing teaching-and-learning through technology integration. These are some of the objectives of this course: to provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on technology integration-in-instruction to learners, to engage learners on practical technology integration issues including managing IT classrooms, use of the internet for learning, cooperative learning through the use of information technology, and to impart learning experiences in instructional technology-supported instructional planning.


            Educational Technology 1 gave us a lot of experiences which will really help us to be equipped in our future profession. Experiences of Educational Technology 2 would be all about Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning, so we are expecting to explore, create, learn, and enjoy more about the applications of technology in relation to teaching and learning process.


            The knowledge about Educational Technology 1 combined with our future learning of Educational Technology 2 will greatly help us, future teachers. Since educational process nowadays depend more on technology, enough skills of technology and appropriate use of the application to the teaching and learning process is a must for future teachers.


            I really looked forward on the things that I will be leaning in Educational Technology 2. The appropriate use of instructional materials, activities suited for the discussed topic, the use of some applications of technology such as edmodo, photoshop and a lot more will really help my future teachings. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Lesson 1: A Review of Educational Technology 1

Rosalie G. Alegarbes     BSEd General Science 4                                MW 3:00-5:00pm           

Lesson 1: A Review of Educational Technology 1
            In studying Educational Technology, it is very important to get familiar with the different terms or to get to know the meanings involving it. So, let us define first technology- it comes from the Greek word techne which means art or craft. So educational technology refers to the art or craft in responding to educational needs. Educational Technology is also connected with the term technology in education- where it is the application of technology to any of those processes involved in operating the institutions which house the educational enterprise. Instructional technology refers to those aspects of educational technology that are concerned with instruction as contrasted to designs and operations of educational institution. All of these things were tackled in lesson 1. Advancement of technology has a great impact to those people who are using it. Lesson 2 talks about the advantages and disadvantages of technology. Lesson 3 talks about the roles of educational technology in learning. It serves as a learning tool that learners learn with it. It engages the learners in active, constructive, intentional, authentic and cooperative learning. The systematic approach to teaching which is in lesson 4 talks about the learners as the center in the instruction. Its phases can be reduced into 3 and these are: formulation of instructional objectives, process of instruction itself, and the assessment of learning.
The cone of experiences by Edgar Dale refers to the visual model, pictorial device that presents bands of experiences arrange according to degree of abstraction and not to the degree of difficulty is in lesson 5. It starts with the direct purposeful experiences to verbal symbols. Lesson 6 reminds us that in using and evaluating instructional materials we must remember the PPPF which stands for P- prepare yourself, P- prepare your students, P- present the material and F- follow-up. Direct purposeful experiences and beyond in lesson 7 talks about the concrete and firsthand experiences of the students that make up the foundation of learning. These are sensory experiences. Lesson 8 is all about the teachings with contrived experiences. Contrived experiences are ‘edited’ of reality and are used as substitutes for real things when it is not practical or possible to bring or do the real thing in the classroom. It is designed to simulate real-life situations. Examples of contrived experiences are models, mock ups, specimen, simulation and games. For lesson 9 which is on teaching with dramatized experiences that includes: plays, pantomime, puppets, and role-playing. For lesson 10: demonstration is something very handy. It requires no elaborate presentation and yet as effective as the other instructional materials when done properly.
 Lesson 11 is all about making the most of community resources and field trips. Community resources like historical and scenic spots, museums, zoos, botanical gardens, etc. can be a destination to field trip. Lessons 12, 13 and 14 talks about films, videos and television in the classroom, visual symbols, overhead projectors and chalkboard for effective teaching. Project-based multimedia learning is highly animated and actively engage. Students end up with a multimedia product to show their learning, these are all been discussed in lessons 15 and 16. Assessment in a constructivist, technology- supported learning in lesson 17 necessarily includes display of skillful and creative use of technologies, old and recent. The student learns from and with technology. Students are assessed not just through paper and pencil test but through authentic assessments. While lesson 18 talks about the roles and functions of an educational media center. EMC has a lot of roles, this include: center of resources, laboratory for learning, agent of teaching, etc.; it also renders various kind of services.
            Educational Technology gave us a lot of experiences that are very useful as a student and as a future teacher. In educational technology 1, we were able to produce projects that were authentic and products of our own creativity; one of those was the weird invention. We were able to present our ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of technology through making a collage. We were also able to use photoshop in editing our pictures in making movie posters, make our own PowerPoint for our reports applying the rules and things to be remembered in making one. We have also used some online applications like the in making our own cartoon, the in making our own rubrics for a specific topic and have our own Edmodo account for our online class while some of my classmates were able to use video editing.
            Advancement of technology has greatly affect today’s generation. Most people are really dependent on technology. The demands of technology related jobs get higher nowadays. Businesses were run by high end technologies; even students cannot leave their houses or boardinghouses without their cellphones.
To meet the demands of today’s advancement, teachers must also be equipped and skilled enough in using technology. Educational technology has a lot of roles for effective instruction. It can not just enhance in learning the concepts; students can be more active and engage in the learning process. Teaching and learning process will be more enjoyable.  Let us be reminded that educational technology should not replace the teacher but it must be an aid in instruction. Educational technology is not just all about its advantages it has also its disadvantages, so teachers must also monitor their students. If it is used for good reasons; teachers can produce more skilled, creative, competent citizens.  
            Through all the learnings in Educational Technology 1, as future science teacher; I can use them in my future teachings. I can think of activities which will make the students be involved in the teaching and learning process. I can not just assess my students through traditional paper and pencil test but I can use authentic assessments in assessing the students like the project-based multimedia and grade them through a scoring rubric. I can use videos, pictures, models, etc. to enhance the topics to be discussed. I can also let them do role-playing, simulation, play, game, etc.; students will not just develop their cognitive skills but they can also develop their social skills.
            There are a lot of activities and teaching strategies that I am thinking which I can use in my future teachings that I really looked forward to do.