Saturday, January 2, 2016

Summative Assessment Module 3

Name:                                                                                            Section:

Summative Assessment Module 3

Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheets.

1. Which are true about organic compounds?
I. Organic compounds contain calcium.
II. Organic compounds contain carbon.
III. Organic compounds can be produced by living organisms.
IV. Organic compounds can be produced artificially.

A. I, II and III only                                            C. II and III only
B. I and III only                                                  D. II, III and IV only
2. How many types of bonds can a carbon atom form?
A. 1                                                                    C. 2
B. 3                                                                     D. 4
3. Macy's car stopped in the middle of the road. She found out that her car has ran out of fuel. what compound must she buy?

A. kerosene                                                                 C. lubricating oil
B. gasoline                                                                     D. water
4. Juan Victor's mother was cooking their supper when she suddenly stopped and said " Oh, the tank is empty!". Then her mother asked him to buy another tank. what did Victor's mother ask him to buy?

A. gasoline                                                                    C. lubricating oil
B. water                                                                    D. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
5. Marcela told her son Miguel to never play with gasoline. why do you think she does not allow him to do it?

A. because gasoline is volatile                       C. because gasoline is viscous
B. because gasoline is flammable                     D. all of the above
6. Juan Miguel wants to protect his bicycle's parts from rusting fast. Which of the following material do you think Miguel will use?
A. vinegar                                                                   C. kerosene
B. isopropyl alcohol                                                    D. lubricating oil 
7. Emmanuel Juan cut his finger accidentally when he was cutting his nails. He has to apply something to on his wound so that so it will not get infected. Which compound should he use?
A. formalin                                                                  C. kerosene
B. isopropyl alcohol                                                    D. acetone
8. Which hydrocarbon compound has a double bond in the molecule?

A. ethane                                                                C. propene
B. methane                                                                 D. propyne
9. How many types of bonds are there in the hydrocarbon compound below?    

A. 1                                                                    C. 3                                                                          
B. 2                                                                     D. 4
10. To which group of hydrocarbon does the molecule with the structure                        belong?
A. alkane                                                                    C. alkene
B. alkyne                                                                     D. none of the above
11. Methane is a component of natural gas. What is the common use of methane?
A. disinfectant                                                                    C. fuel
B. medicine                                                                     D. cleaning agent
12. Veronica wants to change her nail polish because it does not look good with her new dress. What must she us to remove her fingers' nail polish?

A. acetic acid                                                                    C. acetone
B. lubricating oil                                                                     D. formaldehyde
13. Which of the following compound is a carbonyl compound?

A.                                                                     C.
B.                                                                     D.
14. Maria Paula wants to preserve a fish for her project in Biology class. What kind of compound should she use to preserve the fish?
A. acetic acid                                                                    C. methyl alcohol
B. formaldehyde                                                                     D. acetone
15. Which of the following compound is an alcohol?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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