Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lesson 18: Tablets for Textbooks in Schools

Rosalie G. Alegarbes  BSEd General Science4   MW 3:00pm-5:00pm

Lesson 18: Tablets for Textbooks in Schools

Today, books are still the primary medium of instruction in most schools. It is doubtful if these will totally be replaced by digital technology reading tools, but there are now perceptions that virtual literacy may very ease out textual print literacy. However, because of the issues regarding books such as books are backbreaking because of their weight and size, too expensive in publishing and printing, some books have errors resulting to wrong information, technical mistakes and editorial lapses; technology today is being viewed as a savior. Classroom instruction which rides the vehicle of gaming admittedly makes learning more effective and more fun. From studies, educational video gaming has been shown to inculcate competencies that relate to learning concentrations, lasting memory recall and higher visual literacy.                      
Use of tablets in public schools in the country maybe difficult considering certain factors: cost of one tablet for one student is not within budget capability or beyond capability of government which cannot even fully comply with one book for one student; books have more durability compared with electronic gadgets due to handling, energy charging, heat and moist; technical expertise for the learning software is not widely available.
Technology itself maybe a key to problem resolution and Filipino ingenuity is called to respond to the challenge facing the digital generation of the millennium.

 Educational process nowadays is very advance; but here in the Philippines, I can say that we are still not into this kind of classroom-- the tablets for textbooks. We are very much still dependent on books as the primary source of information. Unless in some schools, especially in urban areas, some schools there are somewhat advance where students are allowed to bring their tablets in school. However, in rural areas, most of the schools here are still into books. Even some of the teachers in this place will not allow their students to use any gadgets while the class is still going. But fortunately, our educational system is trying to adopt on what is new today, we are still on the process. One manifestation of this is the implementation of K+12 in our country.

 Time will come that students will no longer bring their books; they will just bring their own tablets and laptops. All the requirements, assignments and exams will be done virtually and will be passed through emails and etc. But let us always remember how books have helped us. Books are still the good source of information. We cannot deny the fact that books are still the original one. We can have and come up with these different electronic devices but books are still the best. I hope that future students will still know what books are.


As a future teacher, we must understand that change is the only constant in this world. That’s why we must adopt to these different changes. If you will not going to join, then you will left behind. So as future educators, we must be open to changes. So today, since we are still students, let us equip ourselves with knowledge and skill for us is ready for these educational changes. Let us prepare ourselves in a sense that we must do good in everything that we do. We are teachers of the 21st century, so we must be knowledgeable and skilled enough to handle our future students. We have a big role in molding their future. Let us teach our students, not just skills and knowledge but also the values in life. Apply all the principles in teaching that we have learned while studying.

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