Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lesson 12: Information Technology in Support of Student-Centered Approach

Rosalie G. Alegarbes  BSEd General Science4  MW 3:00pm-5:00pm

Lesson 12: Information Technology in Support of Student-Centered Approach


The Traditional Classroom

        In here, teachers will pour information to the students. This is based on the belief that a teacher must perform his/her role of teaching so that learning will occur. This learning approach is generally known as direct instruction. It can be observed that classrooms are arrange with neat columns in a row of  the students chairs, while the teacher will stand in front of the classroom or sits behind in his/her desk. This implies by the need to maintain classroom discipline and also to allow the teacher to control classroom activities through lecture presentation and teacher-led discussion. Also, it can be observed that after spending so many minutes di discussion, students tend to be restless and fidgety. To prevent this situation, teachers will give activities that will let the students work individually.

The Student-Centered Learning Classroom

        Students in here are active not passive learners, they interact with other learners, demonstrate independence and self-awareness in the learning process. Generally, the new school classroom environment is characterized by student individually or in groups in: performing computer word processing for text or graph presentations, prepare power-point presentation, searching for information on  the internet, brainstorming on ideas, problems and project plans as needed, the teacher facilitating instruction, also gives individualized instruction to serve individual needs.

        During my elementary years and early high school year, I can say that we are more on the teacher-centered approach in teaching in where the teacher will give us all the information, they are the only source of knowledge. As I can remember, we tend to felt bored after a few minutes of instruction because the teacher will just talk and talk in front of the classroom. Most of the time we work independently; the teacher will then ask us to answer questions in the book. I can also say that most of us will study just to pass the exam. However teaching was still effective, but I did not enjoy the learning process during those years.  But today, the advent of computers makes learning more enjoyable because it supports the learner/student-centered approach. In here we were able to work together while the teacher will just facilitate the activities. Because of the ICT, we were able to develop some of our skills.

        Information technology really helped today’s kind of teaching approach which is the student-centered approach. Because of this kind of teaching approach, students tend to develop their different skills because a lot of computer applications that the students can use. By the aid of this Information Technology, students will enjoy their learning process. Students can work independently and collaboratively. Most of the time, students will not just study to pass the exam but also to learn how to manipulate the materials provided during the activity. Because of ICT’s, produced graduates tend to be more competitive and skilled as well as responsible.


        As a future teacher; as what I am always emphasizing in the past lessons, it is must for us to be equipped with knowledge and skills on how to operate or use a computer so that we can integrate it in or teaching process. Since we give focus on the student-centered approach, we must be knowledgeable enough so that we can use appropriate activities with the integration of these digital applications. Let us make sure that we will not just give the information but let our students enjoy while they are learning. Let us help them develop their skill and help them be productive individuals in the future. 



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