Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lesson 13: Cooperative Learning with the Computer Content

Rosalie G. Alegarbes  BSEd General Science4  MW 3:00pm-5:00pm

Lesson 13: Cooperative Learning with the Computer

          Cooperative or collaborative learning is learning by small groups of students who worked together in a common learning task. It is also called as group learning but to be truly cooperative learning it must have these 5 elements: common goal, interdependence, interaction, individual accountability and social skills. From several studies made on cooperative learning, it is manifested that cooperative learning in its true sense is advantageous since it: encourage active learning, while motivating students; increases academic performances, promotes literacy and language skills and improves teacher effectiveness. In addition, there are studies shows that cooperative learning enhances personal and social development among students of all ages, while enhancing self-esteem and improving social relations between racially and culturally different students.
Cooperative Learning and the Computer
        Studies showed that when students work with computers in groups, they cluster and interact with each other for advice and mutual help. Psychologists think that computer fosters this positive social behavior due to the fact it has a display monitor-- just like a television set—that is looked upon as something communal. Therefore researchers agree that the computer is a fairly natural learning vehicle for cooperative learning.
Components of Cooperative Learning
        The following are the things that the teacher must do to ensure collaborative learning and these are: assign the students to mixed-ability teams, establish positive interdependence, teach cooperative social skill, insure individual accountability and help group process information.

        Computers are seen as destruction in developing the social/ interpersonal skill of most young children but that’s not true. I’ve been experiencing a lot of school activities or school requirements that requires computer, but I’ve done it together with my classmates. One time, we were asked to construct a poem but it should be in pair. It should also be encoded and of course print it. So by this activity, we were able to work together to have a good poem. Another one which is very common especially to those college students; the reporting, in which it connects to making a PowerPoint presentation. Most of the time reporting is done in pairs; so this kind of activity requires cooperation with your partner. We must plan on how we are going to present the topic, the information we are going to put in the PowerPoint, and the activities that we are going to give to the audience. Through this not just the cognitive skill was developed but also our social skill.

        I realized that not all activities done by a group can be called as cooperative learning; it must have those elements mentioned above. Indeed cooperative learning plus the integration of computer promotes the development of the student’s social skills. Aside from the social skills being developed; cognitive skills and confidence of the students, as well as the practical skills in manipulating the given activities will also be developed. As I have observed cooperative or collaborative learning is much more effective than doing such activity alone. This kind of learning will also help develop the open mindedness of the students because since they are working together, they must accept ideas and opinions from their co-members. Most of the products of the students are more beautiful than those products done by an individual student because a lot of heads are working to come up with that certain product. However, sometimes some of the members in the group will just depend on their leader; that’s now the disadvantage of working in a larger group. That is why a teacher must see to it that each of the members participated and see to it that the group has the ideal number of members that is, 5 members in each group.

        As a future educator, I must know that one of the effective teaching approaches is the cooperative learning. Developing the interpersonal skills of the students must be one of my goals in the teaching process because through this students will be more confident of themselves. Students will be more confident to express their opinions which lead them to be more productive individuals. That is why in the future, I must think of activities which will enhance those skills. Since computers are here, it would be very effective if I will integrate it the cooperative leaning. I must also bare in mind the elements of the activity so that it will considered as cooperative learning.




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