Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lesson 17: Educational Technology 2 Practicum

Rosalie G. Alegarbes  BSEd General Science4   MW 3:00pm-5:00pm

Lesson 17: Educational Technology 2 Practicum

          The practicum phase consists of hands-on computer tutorials which the student teacher or professional teacher-trainee will need to make him/her capable. The essential requirements for the Educational Technology 2 practicum phase will be: a computer laboratory/ special computer classroom with adequate sets of computers for hands-on tutorial learning, participation of computer lab tutor/ assistant—as the teacher’s technical assistant—to assist the learner in the use of the computer and its various programs, assigned number of hours in conformity with the course requirement. Tutorials are preferably done during weekends in order to provide continuous hours of computer hands-on training.
        The practicum phase consists in:
1.   Basic Microsoft Word
The tutorial familiarizes each individual learner to the basic of Microsoft Word. The tutorial coverage includes: Microsoft word menus and toolbars, creating, formatting, editing and saving documents, assigning page layouts, inserting tabs and tablets, templates and wizard, and painting.
Upon successful completion, the learner shall be able to: create, open and save word documents and files, inset graphics, tablets and chats in documents, manage files in folder, apply format on the text, sentences and paragraphs, interlink documents, and create standard documents using template.
2.   Microsoft PowerPoint
The tutorial is a familiarization on the basis of Microsoft PowerPoint. The coverage includes: PowerPoint fundamentals, enhancement of PowerPoint presentation with the use of graphics, charts, audio and video, use templates and masters (slide, handout and notes) and present and print a slide shows.
At the end of the tutorial, the learner will be able to: create and open PowerPoint presentations, insert objects (clip arts), pictures, graphics, charts, audio and video to create effective presentations, and use the templates to enhance presentations.
3.   Internet as tool of Inquiry
The tutorial will facilitate the finding of sources of information appropriate to a learning task. The following are the course coverage: accessing the Internet, use the Internet tools and search techniques.
At the end of the tutorial, the learner will be able to: search and retrieve information from the Web, acquire skills in the locating appropriate information on the Internet, acquire ability to use Internet tools such as search engines, gain knowledge of search techniques such as browsing through information tree, and learn the ability to execute the search.
        Overall, the Filipino teacher shall be empowered to meet the technology challenges of the 21st century digital age.


         Most of the professions nowadays, not just teaching requires mastery/skills in using computers. Since we are now on the digital world, everyone must adopt, and to adopt means knowing how to manipulate these computers. Sad  to say, not all of us are skilled enough in handling computers. One of the main reasons of this is the lack of computers itself in school. Some schools have their computers but only limited, even some of it are not  functioning. Another one is that, schools have their computers but they don’t have teachers who are  going to use and teach computer lessons. In my high school years, we just started our computer subject during our 4th year. Unfortunately, our school don’t have enough number of computers, so not all of us can use the computers. So what the teachers did is that they divided our section into two class schedule, but still we are too many, that’s why 2 students per computer.
It is really a must for everyone nowadays to at least know the basics in manipulating and handling computers. I know that the government is trying their best to adopt to this new world-- the digital world by providing each schools with computer sets. Time will come that every school will have their enough computers. Then, this will already lead to the mastery of handling computers. In the near future, teaching and learning will be  more advance. Teachers and students will become more dependent on these computers. A lot of inventions will also arise.
Since the goal of Educational Technology 2 is  to let the teacher integrate technology in the teaching and learning process, so as a future teacher, we  must master at least the basics  of handling and manipulating computers. We will be dealing digital students, so I  myself must know how to deal them. One also of our role is to provide their needs and interests, so today, as still students, we must equip ourselves, gear ourselves with knowledge and skills. Software applications are already there and a lot more will come in the future years, where they are really a great help in the teaching and learning process. So our role as a teacher is to know how and when to apply that certain application.

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